How to Cancel a PayPal Payment that is Pending?

With PayPal, you can easily send and receive payments online. Since paypal has gained so much popularity because of its payment features. But sometime you may have to face situation where you have cancel a payment. In this article will take you on the process of how to cancel a paypal payment

Step-by-Step Guide to Canceling a Pending PayPal Payment:

Log in to your PayPal Account: First step will be to loggin into paypal acount using your credetial like email and password.

Locate the Pending Payment: After logging into the paypal, locate account summary page and pending payment. They may be found in activity or transaction section of your paypal dashboard. 

Click on the Payment Details: Once each the pending payment option, then click on payment to see its status.

Click on "Cancel Payment"Then locate cancel payment and click on it. If you cannot locate it then tap on cancel payment  and if you see that payment is in progress then there is no chance of cancelation.

Confirm the Cancellation: Then you have confirm that you want to cancel the payment. Then tap on yes.

Verify Payment Status: Once the progress of canceling the payment starts then see if the status of payment is changed from cancel to refunded for reverse payment paypal.

Note: If you are not able to cancel a pending payment via payal, the reason may be it has already being processed then you have one option which is contact the receiver to initiate the refund.


If you want to cancel a pending payment on Paypal it is a simple and easy process which can be successfully down within a few minutes. You can follow this guide to Cancel paypal transaction with ease and convenience.


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